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  “Fuck!” Daniel jumped in alarm and immediately squatted down to try and scoop up some of the stones. He held together the remains of the pot and looked around helplessly.

  Aaron rolled his eyes heavenward. Was this guy destined to wreak continuous havoc in his life?

  “Goddamn it! I’m so sorry,” Daniel said, looking somewhat distraught. “I’ll get you a new one. I promise.”

  Aaron sighed. “Sure. Whatever. Just go, please. I’ll deal with it.”

  Daniel stood and wiped his hands on his skinny jeans. “Okay. I’m so sorry. Really, I am.” He headed back the hall toward the stairs, casting a forlorn look back at Aaron as he did.

  Aaron looked down at the mess outside his door. He’d sort it out in the morning. He wasn’t in the mood right now. He clicked the door shut and strode back into his office, setting the whiskey bottle down next to the computer. Ah, to hell with it. He was pretty much finished anyway, and Daniel had disrupted his train of thought.

  He grabbed the bottle and took it into the kitchen, half filling a glass tumbler with the whiskey before collapsing on the couch in his lounge. He didn’t bother to turn on the lights, preferring to be surrounded by darkness. Aaron took a slow sip and flopped his head back with pleasure as the flavor burst over his tongue. Damn, it was nice stuff. He hated to admit it, but maybe Daniel had a point. He probably should relax a bit more. He took another sip and closed his eyes with a smile. Typical that some smartass punk with bad taste in music should know him better than he knew himself. Aaron felt his insides get warm and knew it was only partially due to the alcohol.

  A FEW evenings later, Aaron returned home from a particularly grueling day at the office to find a tastefully wrapped package outside his door. A package that looked decidedly pot-shaped. A reluctant smile curved his lips as he picked up the heavy parcel.

  WITH the radio on in the background, it took Aaron a few minutes to hear the pounding on his door. 11:56 pm, his computer screen informed him. He rubbed his forehead in frustration. He knew exactly who it would be. What the hell was the problem this time?

  He sighed loudly and rose to pad silently down the hallway. He had just reached the door when the thumps came again, louder this time. Aaron yanked the door open and found Daniel with his fist in the air. He did not look amused.

  “So, are you gonna let me in or what?” Daniel said tersely. “I’ve been knocking for like, twenty years.”

  Aaron flicked his eyes down Daniel’s torso, noting that he was dressed in tight, sweaty gym clothes. “Depends. What do you want?”

  “A shower.”


  “A shower. The fucking thing’s broken in my apartment.” Daniel combed his fingers through his dark, damp hair. “Can you believe it?”

  Aaron nodded. “Sadly, yes I can.”

  “This whole goddamned place was built by fucking monkeys,” Daniel seethed. “My electricity’s shot to shit too.”

  “Lucky that I’m here, huh?” Aaron raised an eyebrow, but moved back and gestured for him to come in.

  Daniel sighed and sagged against the doorframe in relief. “Yeah. Sorry. I’ll only be five minutes and I’ll be outta here.”

  Aaron ran his eyes over Daniel’s sweaty chest once more. “Who goes to the gym at this time of night?”

  “I wasn’t at the gym, just running. I like running at night. It’s cooler and there are fewer people around.” He grabbed a bag from the floor and moved past Aaron into the hall.

  “Uh huh.”

  Daniel paused, inches away from him. He was so close that Aaron could smell the sweet and musky tang of his sweat. Aaron tried to ignore the fact that the scent went straight to a certain area of his anatomy.

  “I… thanks for the pot,” Aaron said suddenly.

  Confusion blurred Daniel’s features for a moment before he figured out what Aaron was referring to. He smiled briefly. “You’re welcome. Sorry for trashing the old one. And sorry for interrupting you tonight. You carry on with whatever. I’ll let myself out.”

  Aaron mumbled something in reply and returned to his office. He heard Daniel speak to his retreating back.

  “Thanks, Aaron. I owe you one. Again.”

  You owe me more than that, bud, Aaron thought as he turned and watched Daniel tug off his shirt and disappear into the bathroom.

  DANIEL stood under the steaming spray and groaned in frustrated relief. He knew he was playing with fire by jacking off in Aaron’s shower, but damn, the man was hot. Even the way he looked at Daniel with constant disapproval turned him on, sending frissons of arousal down his spine. He wasn’t going to even start on the way the clipped British accent affected him. He hadn’t planned on it, but the thought of Aaron standing there, naked, in this exact same spot, was too much for him to handle, and his hands inevitably found their way to his dick. He leaned against the tiled wall and let his imagination run wild. He knew that there was no way on earth Aaron would suddenly burst into the bathroom and join him in the shower, but that hadn’t stopped him from leaving the door unlocked anyway. Just in case.

  YET again, Aaron couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t due to unwelcome visitors, loud music, or other interruptions. He couldn’t even blame coffee. He couldn’t blame anything or anyone else but himself.

  He tossed and turned in frustration, twisting the sheets around his legs. He threw the covers off when he felt too hot, only to grab them back again two minutes later when he got too cold.

  The reason he was awake was Daniel. Annoying yet sexy Daniel. He kept thinking of that lean young body, naked in his shower, water streaming down a sculpted chest. Images that refused to leave his brain. Visions he didn’t want but had no strength to fight. A glance at the clock told him it was not long after midnight. An early night for him, but then, he did have some sleep to catch up on. Not that sleep was looking likely right now. Aaron pounded the pillow with his fist and turned it over to get the cool side. He buried his head in its softness and closed his eyes tight.

  Thirty seconds later his eyes snapped open again as he heard the unmistakable noise of someone having sex. Loudly.

  “Oh yeah… oh yeah… oh yeah,” a voice moaned, the noise echoing through the building.

  What the hell? Aaron threw off the covers again and padded to the open window. He stuck his head outside into the cool night air and tried to identify where the noise was coming from. And to whom it belonged.

  Across the courtyard two young guys stood snickering in the shadows, pointing up at the flats and laughing at the lewd noises. Aaron recognized them as living in a neighboring apartment. They began to act out an exaggerated sex scene, one guy pretending to ride the other from behind, slapping his ass wildly in time to the grunts.

  The noise was louder outside and he thought it sounded male, although he couldn’t tell for sure. Male or female, whoever it was clearly didn’t care who heard them. Aaron leaned a little farther out of his window. The moaning seemed to be coming from below where he was standing. Daniel’s apartment.

  He ignored the sick feeling which hit his stomach and quickly moved back inside, slamming his window shut with a bit more force than was necessary. He could still hear the muffled moans as he fell back into bed. He buried his head under the pillow once more and pulled the edges down tight over his ears, trying to ignore the mental images that his brain had conjured up and that tugged at his groin. Nothing like hearing someone else having sex to remind you what you were missing out on.

  Two minutes later he was shrugging off the covers and striding into his bathroom. He leaned on the sink and turned on the taps to splash cold water on his face. His groin ached, but he’d be damned if he was going to jerk off to the sounds of some other folks having a good time.

  Sleep wasn’t coming any time soon, so he pulled on some sleep pants, stalked into the living area, and poured himself a glass of Daniel’s whiskey. Perhaps it would help him to relax so he could finally grab a few hours of sleep.

  DANIEL lay spread-eagled, naked, on
his bed, listening to his two best friends have loud sex in the next room. Great. He loved them to death and all that, but did they really have to flaunt their “we’ve been exclusive for six months and are ecstatically happy” relationship in his face?

  He closed his eyes and let the heady sounds wash over him. He couldn’t deny that it was starting to turn him on as he imagined two bodies sliding over each other, warm, firm, needy. One dark, one fair. Just like him… and Aaron.

  Fuck. Daniel didn’t want to think about the uptight Brit right now. Or rather, he did, but he knew exactly where that would end up. His hands slid inexorably down his thighs, toward his swelling dick. His fingers closed around it just as a loud bang from upstairs snapped his eyes open. The sound had come from Aaron’s apartment, which meant that Aaron was still awake. Still awake and most likely listening in on the free porn show his friends were so kindly providing.

  Would Aaron be turned on by it too? The thought of Aaron losing his cool and being consumed by wanton lust made Daniel shudder. He flipped over onto his stomach and ground his aching crotch into the bed sheets, moaning as the pressure started to build. Goddamn it, he wanted Aaron. Wanted to have sex with him, wanted ultimately to have the kind of relationship that generated the delirious grunts and groans from the next room. He’d put money on him and Aaron being great together, like fire and ice. He wanted to unravel that calm and collected exterior, wanted to drive the man wild with passion, wanted to consume him.

  Another creak from the apartment above caught Daniel’s attention. The urge to rush upstairs and jump Aaron was almost unbearable, only Daniel didn’t have a legitimate reason to call on him. This time it would be purely for pleasure. He rolled to his feet and paced up and down, eyeing the jeans he had flung in the corner. Did he have the nerve?

  AARON slumped back on the sofa with a sigh, the smooth whiskey soothing his throat and warming his stomach. He could feel his muscles start to relax, finally, and his brain began to filter out the grunting noises from below. He just had to ignore the banging on the door. Banging on the door. Shit. How long had that been going on?

  Aaron pushed himself to his feet with only a slight wobble and made his way to the door. He swung it open to reveal Daniel. A very worked up Daniel, who clearly wasn’t downstairs fucking the life out of somebody. He was here, in Aaron’s apartment, looking as sexy as hell in skinny black jeans and a black tank. He was breathing hard and had a slightly crazed expression on his face.

  “Oh. It’s you,” Aaron said, leaning against the door jam. “I thought that was you down there… you know….” He gestured to the floor.

  Daniel shook his head. His eyes scorched over Aaron’s body, taking in the naked chest and low-slung sleep pants. Aaron felt himself shiver at the intensity of his stare. Despite the whiskey, his dick had never fully relaxed, and Daniel’s scrutiny sure made it take notice.

  Daniel’s smoky blue eyes finally reached his, and Aaron could see the lust burning in them. Desire, wanting. A split second later, Daniel lunged at him and Aaron found himself pinned against the wall, his mouth being devoured. Dear God, he had never experienced anything like it. Daniel’s body writhed against Aaron’s and his mouth was hot, demanding, and seriously delicious. Daniel’s hands were trying to touch everywhere at once.

  “What are you doing?” Aaron managed to gasp out between kisses.

  Daniel moaned and mumbled some incoherent response. He was like a man possessed. He dropped his hand and squeezed Aaron’s crotch through the thin cotton fabric. His fingers groped, easily finding taut flesh. Flesh that was aching for attention.

  Aaron couldn’t help himself; it had been far too long and he wanted it, needed it. He felt his control slip as wildness flared in him and he shoved Daniel back against the opposite wall of the hallway, possibly a little too violently, as his head bounced off the plaster board with a thump.

  “Sorry, sorry,” Aaron muttered, not able to stop for even one second as his lips slid across Daniel’s.

  Daniel winced as Aaron caressed the bump growing beneath his shaggy black hair, Aaron’s mouth burning a hot trail across his cheek to bite at the silver loops in his ear. Daniel moaned and tilted his head to the side, sliding his hands down Aaron’s back, kneading at his naked skin. Aaron’s dick was rock solid, and he leaned harder into Daniel, grinding his crotch against him, really not knowing what he was doing anymore.

  “YOU’RE so goddamn sexy,” Daniel groaned as he let Aaron raise his arms to pull off his black tank. “So stern. Disapproving. If I’d known you be like this….”

  “Like what?” Aaron asked, fingers feverish as they attacked the buttons of Daniel’s jeans.

  “So hot, so wild, so….” Daniel didn’t finish, his eyes closing as Aaron opened his jeans and grabbed at his throbbing cock. “Ah shit.” He moved closer, wanting more, wanting to be skin on skin. Everywhere. “Take your damned pants off,” he said hoarsely.

  “But I’m not wearing any… oh,” Aaron smiled. “You mean my pajamas.”

  Oh man, that accent.

  Aaron fisted Daniel’s dick a few more times before shoving his sleep pants down so he could grind his naked crotch into Daniel’s, their dicks rolling across each other. Daniel made a choking sound and Aaron leaned in to cover his mouth again, kissing him hard. “This way,” he mumbled, dragging Daniel into his bedroom.

  They fell heavily onto the unmade bed, Daniel crushed beneath Aaron’s larger frame. Aaron moved quickly to straddle him and Daniel found his arms stretched above his head.

  Aaron dove in for another hard kiss, tongue dancing against Daniel’s, teeth biting, lips sucking, dick grinding. It all felt so, so good. Daniel tried to squirm free but found himself effectively pinned by Aaron’s weight and his own jeans, tangled around his thighs. A rush of lust hit him in his gut, bringing to life a kink that Daniel didn’t even know he possessed.

  Aaron pulled back to look at him, dark eyes heavy with want. He dipped his head low to take Daniel in his mouth, swallowing him straight down.

  “Fuck!” Daniel’s hips lurched upward; the hot, wet sensation of Aaron’s lips and tongue around him was out of this world. Aaron moaned in satisfaction and grasped the base of Daniel’s cock as he worked his mouth all over, licking the length and sucking the tip. Daniel couldn’t stop himself bucking up and down. Jesus, he’d never had a blowjob feel this good before. It was all going to be over embarrassingly quickly.

  He felt the familiar surge build up inside. “Stop, stop… Aaron, fuck, shit.” But his words just made Aaron move faster and harder, squeezing, sucking, stroking.

  Daniel exploded. Lights flashing behind his eyelids, he felt his body pulsate and throb, shooting hard and fast into the back of Aaron’s throat.

  As Daniel floated back to earth, he became aware that Aaron was still playing with him gently, stroking his stomach, balls, the soft skin of his inner thighs. He pulled Aaron down, the weight of his body on top of him feeling so right. Daniel searched for his mouth, kissing him hungrily, writhing against his body. Daniel felt his body start to tingle, sending sparks down into his groin once more. Heck, the last time he’d felt like coming more than once in a session, he’d been fifteen and he’d jacked off three times during an episode of Angel. Just to see if he could.

  He worshipped the hard body sitting over him, moving his hands feverishly down over the taut stomach, catching fair hairs between his fingers. Aaron moaned as Daniel slid his hand lower to grab his hard cock, pumping up and down slowly. “Daniel…” Aaron groaned, pushing his hand lower so that Daniel’s fingers were brushing that dark place behind his balls, between his cheeks. His eyes widened as he realized what Aaron was hinting at. Oh hell yes, he was definitely up for that. His dick was more than ready.

  Aaron leaned over and reached into the dresser drawer by the bed, his fingers scrabbling around. He finally threw a box onto the floor in frustration. He rested his forehead against Daniel’s. “Fuck.”

  “No condoms?”

  “No cond

  Daniel had to smile. “So dry hump me instead, you big stud.”

  Aaron bit out a laugh and shifted position so he could rip off Daniel’s jeans, flinging them across the room. “With pleasure.”

  Aaron positioned himself between Daniel’s legs, his knees forcing Daniel’s thighs apart. Daniel grasped at Aaron’s ass, squeezing the firm muscles, his fingers sliding toward the crack between his cheeks. Aaron growled as Daniel pressed a finger inside him, and he started to hump against Daniel hard, their cocks creating the most delicious friction.

  Daniel slid his finger in farther and Aaron rocked against him faster. Circling his hips, he made a noise between a grunt and a moan. “Damn, that feels so good.”

  Daniel had to agree. He felt Aaron’s ass clench and he couldn’t help bucking up, jabbing his cock against Aaron’s hard stomach. He crooked his finger deeper into Aaron’s ass, caressing, teasing, the heat and the pressure a bittersweet taste of what he might get next time. The anticipation was electric. He had never felt so turned on by someone, ever. The pressure around his finger tightened, and he knew that Aaron had to be close.

  “Fuck!” Aaron shouted again, this time in pleasure as he shot between their stomachs. Daniel shivered and lost himself in the moment. He bucked upward and spread his thighs as wide as he could, eyes squeezing tight as he felt himself come again, releasing himself over and over, letting out a long groan of utter satisfaction.

  DANIEL sank into the mattress and kept his eyes closed until his breathing returned to normal. That had been… well… way better than he could have imagined. Who would have thought there would be such a tiger lurking underneath that cool British exterior? His mom always said it was the quiet ones you had to watch, although he didn’t think she meant it in quite this context. He stretched out and peeled open one eye, turning his head to see Aaron watching him. “You okay?” Daniel asked him.